Sunday, April 9, 2017

It's such a tragedy

It's such a tragedy and I'm stuck with This calamity it's over before it's begun I bit off more than I could chew I look like Mr. Magoo and you left me diving off of cliff without even a cry or saying goodbye what makes it such a killing field I reached out to you with barely a spiel I'll let you know exactly how I feel and you shot me down you said you did not have time then you lied and said there was someone else but I knew you were just blowing me off and all I can say it's such a tragedy and I'm stuck with This calamity it's over before it's begun I've bit off more than I could chew I look like Mr. Magoo and you left me diving off a cliff without even a cry or saying goodbye what makes it such a killing field I reached out to you which barely a spiel I'll let you know exactly how I feel and you shot me down you said you did not have time then you lied and said there was someone else but I knew you were just blowing me off and all I can say it's a tragedy

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Rule Number One


Kevin's Mixes

: Audio Mixed with Mixcraft 4.2 Build 104 by Acoustica P.O. Box 728 Oakhurst, CA 93644 U.S.A

The Writings On the Wall

In times of trouble we act out all our feeling:
Where do they come from, The Writings on the Wall
where do they come from
Where do they come from
where do they come from
The writings on the Wall
Speculation is a gamble but the habit of Meditation is the
Basis for all knowledge
Where does it come from
Where does it come from
Where does it come from, The Writings on the Wall
You can tell when someones Leaving
There's a Prelude to the Performance before the final Play
It's in the Writing
It's in the Writing
It's in the Writing on the Wall
